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Fleet Management System

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Skyfinch Fleet Management software gives digital edge to the management of the processes and tasks involved in coordinating and facilitating various transport and transport related activities. The system is suitable for the movement of goods and people on trip basis and contract basis. The solution gives clear visibility into the Fleet management process, effectively streamlines the workflow, and minimizes overall costs through cost efficient utilization of resources such as vehicles, fuel, spare parts, etc. The system also ensures availability of vehicles as and when required to maximize customer satisfaction. The software is designed to enhance user experience in many ways, organizational policy-specific financial management being an example.

Multi-faceted Fleet Management solution to handle all Vehicle types

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Business Entity

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Trip Log

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Service Maintenance


  • The Trip Log module of Skyfinch Fleet Management system empowers fleet managers to efficiently handle the Single Trips undertaken by their vehicles of any type (cars, trucks, buses, etc.)
  • Using the Mobile App drivers can enter starting and ending kilometer readings and register the total distance travelled for every trip
  • The Mobile App gives the scope to enter all expenses incurred including personal expenses made by the driver during the course of the trip
  • Fleet managers can clearly register complete details of the vehicle, driver to whom the vehicle is assigned, route plan for the trip, and track the course and position of vehicles at any point of the trip using GPS
  • All contract details like company name, vehicle type, driver assigned, contract start/end dates, billing schedule, etc, can be entered into the system and the entire contract procedure can be handled, monitored, and accomplished in a hassle-free manner
  • The system enables Fleet owners to handle the management of vehicles of all types and sizes that are lent to clients on a contract basis in a client-specific fashion
  • The GPS tracking facility integrated with each and every vehicle enables to track and monitor the route plan and position of the vehicles at any time of its routine
  • In case if the driver assigned to any of the contracted vehicles is not available for any given schedule, the system prompts the pre-assigned alternate driver for the vehicle and ensures uninterrupted accomplishment of contracts
  • The solution is flexible to accommodate the contracting of vehicles to corporate companies on the basis of all types of contacts like route-based contracts, periodical contracts, driver-based contracts, etc
  • Skyfinch Fleet Management system enables the bus-auditors to conduct bus audits at any time and verify & register the following data:
  • Presence/status of First-Aid box
  • Seat condition
  • Intactness of rear-view mirrors
  • If the vehicle is on the assigned route
  • Condition of audio system
  • Date of Inspection
  • Driver Name
  • In-charge name
  • Vehicle type and registration details
  • Remarks if any
  • The solution provides the scope to pre-define the name of contractor, vehicle type, route details, periodical basis for payment (weekly, monthly, annual, etc.), amount, and discount details; and automatically generates Invoices for any desired periodical sequence
  • The module is designed to generate the automated Invoices with due consideration for the date-wise entries for each and every vehicle concerned
  • The solution also has the provision to store Invoice details and register the details of payment received and the mode of payment for each and every invoice raised
  • The system facilitates the registering of all Incomes and Expenses of the business and automatically appropriates all related fields whenever cash inflow or outflow is registered
  • On generation or receipt of invoice the Payables and Receivables faculty of the solution are aptly updated, and from there all incomes and expenses are promptly monitored
  • Whenever a full/partial payment is received or made against an invoice the solution automatically updates the corresponding Receivable/Payable Ageing entries accordingly
  • The projection of Payables/Receivables Ageing amounts aids business stakeholders to have a clear picture of the company�s financial status and to duly recover pending receivables and settle pending payables
  • The provision of Miscellaneous Income and Expense record enables the registering of all business related expenses that could not be covered under normal income and expense criteria
  • Routine Preventive Maintenance check-up schedules for all the vehicles of the fleet can be prescribed through this facility. The system can also monitor and duly notify due dates for bus audits, Insurance renewal and FC renewal.
  • Once a scheduled service/check-up/FC/Insurance renewal is completed for a vehicle, the system automatically assigns the next scheduled date for service/check-up/FC/Insurance renewal as per the periodicity of the task
  • Any entry towards actuating a scheduled task for a vehicle in the fleet obligates the concerned authority to close it appropriately with reports and corresponding invoices
  • Due to unforeseen causes if there may rise any need for emergency maintenance of any of the vehicle in the fleet, such maintenance process and corresponding invoices are recorded on the Breakdown Maintenance screen
  • The immediately following routine maintenance schedule for any vehicle undergoing breakdown maintenance is automatically cancelled and the second next schedule is automatically reassigned as the next schedule for routine maintenance
  • Skyfinch�s Location Tracking facility through its in-built GPS system enables fleet managers to track all their contract-wise and trip-wise vehicle positions through separate indicators for each type
  • The Mobile App faculty helps drivers to mark their attendance and location when and where required
  • The Condition Monitoring facility helps to periodically conduct and schedule audits to verify the status of the comfort quotients of vehicles and ensure that the quality of seating, A/C, Safety Equipments, and other basic/luxury amenities are in order
  • The Inventory management system maintains an accurate report of the stock level of spares available for use in the Own Garage of fleet owners
  • The spare purchases are closely monitored by the system and whenever purchases are registered in the system the appropriate stock-level is automatically increased in the Inventory
  • Similarly when spares from the Inventory are assigned to vehicles the same is registered with all spare details along with the details of the vehicle to which the spares are assigned
  • As and when details of spares assigned to vehicles are registered in the system the solution automatically deducts the appropriate stock-level in the Inventory
  • Using the Purchase Management system POs can be raised to purchase spares to keep the Inventory effectively stocked with all required spares
  • Once the details of the spares purchased are registered in the system it automatically updates the Inventory with the appropriate data and automatically increases the corresponding stock-level

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